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November 7, 2019

Try These 4 Tips to Reduce Your Costs

Do you wish you had more control over certain things, including your auto insurance premium? It’s true that many factors can’t be changed, like your age or how many years of driving experience you have. But with a little effort, you might be able to influence other factors (and potentially lower your premium). Here are […]
November 22, 2019

Would you be covered in these 5 scenarios?

Accidents happen on the road. A deer could dart across your path, a tree branch could come crashing down or you could make a simple mistake as you hurry to get to work. Does your policy kick in after these kinds of events? Let’s look at five things that could easily happen to any driver […]
December 6, 2019

Smart Ideas for a Safe and Happy Winter

Winter is known for being a time of celebration, family gatherings and staying cozy by the nearest fireplace. It’s also a season of potential challenges when it comes to your home, vehicle and health. Want to keep the season as festive and problem-free as possible? Here are a few tips to help you enjoy the […]
January 13, 2020

How should you handle a fender bender?

Would you know what to do if you were involved in a fender bender? Even if the damage doesn’t seem significant, you might have a time-consuming and stressful process ahead of you and it’s important to proceed carefully. If it’s a serious wreck, call 911. Otherwise, here’s what to keep in mind in the event […]
January 22, 2020

Need a good reason to organize your home?

You’ve probably heard a lot about “decluttering” lately. Sure, it seems better to live in a tidy and streamlined home that isn’t crowded with stuff, but is it really worth the trouble to be that organized? Here’s one thing you may have overlooked: Organizing your home could actually save you money. Intrigued? Find out how […]
February 5, 2020

4 Driving Mistakes to Watch Out For

You’re driving to work when your favorite podcast suddenly stops playing. You know you shouldn’t look at your phone, but you hate sitting in silence during your commute. What do you do? Do you glance around for cops, then tap around on your phone until the story starts up again? A lot of us do […]
April 23, 2020

Loss Control From Natoinwide for COVID-19

    COVID Specific Articles COVID 19 Smart Guide For Business Owners – Setting up a Temporary Restaurant Delivery Operation – Maintaining Closed or Idle Work Facilities – Ergonomics Tips for WFH Environments – Using Temporary Employees During COVID 19 –
April 27, 2020

What Texting And Driving Could Mean For Your Auto Insurance

Do you text and drive? It could lead to you having to pay more for car insurance in more ways than one.   What A Texting And Driving Accident Means For Your Auto Insurance  If you were texting and driving when you got into an accident, you’re almost always going to have some fault. That’s not just because you were […]
April 27, 2020

Is Your Home Insurance Policy Good Enough Right Now?

When was the last time you took a look at your home insurance policy? Many times, it is very easy to just allow it to renew, year after year, without looking at it and the details within it. Yet, your home’s needs change. It is important to carefully consider the coverage you have. You also […]
May 11, 2020

Loss Control Services From Nationwide Insurance

Here is a link to Nationwide Insurance’s Loss Control information for reopening your business when it is safe to go back to work.  We are here for you should you have any questions or need any additional information on this.

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