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Home » Would you be covered in these 5 scenarios?
November 22, 2019

Would you be covered in these 5 scenarios?

Tree on carAccidents happen on the road. A deer could dart across your path, a tree branch could come crashing down or you could make a simple mistake as you hurry to get to work.

Does your policy kick in after these kinds of events?

Let’s look at five things that could easily happen to any driver and see if they’d be covered.

Your Friend Wrecks Your Car

Your friend’s car is in the shop, so you lend them yours for the day. What happens if they end up involved in a fender bender?

Your insurance typically follows your vehicle. If you have collision insurance, the damage may be covered. If your friend caused the accident, your liability insurance could help cover the losses others suffer, too.

A Tree Falls on Your Truck

A storm rages through the night and you wake up to find a big tree lying across the hood of your truck. Not to worry — comprehensive auto insurance most likely covers damage from storms.

A Pothole Takes Out Your Muffler

What looks like a shallow puddle ends up being a massive pothole, resulting in a jolt, a thud and some serious damage. Though your deductible may be too high to cover minor issues, in a situation where significant repairs are needed, you may choose to file a claim.

Your Car Is Vandalized

Someone keyed your car and damaged your paint job pretty badly. Your comprehensive insurance should cover you, so you might want to file a claim if the damage exceeds the amount of your deductible.

Oops! You Backed Into Something

In a rush to get to work, you forget to open the garage door and backed right into it. (Hey, it happens.) With collision insurance, you can file a claim for the damage.

Need to adjust your coverage? Have questions about your deductible? Reach out today to discuss your policy.

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